This past Monday, May 25th marked Memorial Day in the US, a day to remember those who died while fighting for the freedom of their country. Being free is a basic human right and we are lucky here in North America to know what freedom is.
One of the best and freeing feelings is the ability to be yourself wholly and completely—to feel totally comfortable in your own skin. This is why actress Lena Dunham showed her own sense of freedom on Memorial Day by posting a sexy and revealing Instagram picture.

Instagram @LenaDunham
She appears lingerie-clad and sans-makeup with her hair slicked back, standing confidently in the comfort of her own bathroom. The photo shows off all her curves and is captioned: “Love my @lonelylingerie and I think I will wear it to dinner with some boots & a smile because we are all very lucky to be free.”
Lena Dunham, you hit the nail on the head with this one! This picture can teach us all about confidence and body-positivity- some may call these the building blocks to female happiness. Lena Dunham understands that she may not meet that silly and unrealistic exception of the ideal woman’s body but she doesn’t care. The unedited, untouched photo is about as real as it gets. Lena loves herself as she is and knows that she is free to do so.
The Girls actress has recently discovered a way to love exercise through The Tracy Anderson Method and has been working hard toward a healthier version of herself, but this “in progress” stage may have simply spurred on her revealing and rather open image, which is such an important message to women. She shows that you can love yourself as you currently are, not who you hope to be in the future. Live in the now instead of in the soon-to-be because you deserve to be happy now!
Ladies, take a page out of Lena Dunham’s book and feel free to be yourself. You don’t necessarily need to post racy Instragram selfies but know that if you so choose, the option is there. One of the most heart-warming parts of Dunham’s post is the countless number of positive, encouraging and thankful comments that far overshadow the “negative Nancy’s” and Internet trolls. Being the best you at all times will prove to be far more fulfilling than you realize and other women will feed off of that. Body-positivity will free all of us from worries, doubts, and insecurities so that we can live the best lives possible.