We told you about IPL Photorejuvenation and Fractional lasers. Now, we’re looking at the skin-tightening powers of Radiofrequency lasers. We spoke to Dr. R. Stephen Mulholland, MD, FRCS(C) Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon, founder of SpaMedica in Toronto, to get the background on this non-surgical “face lift” treatment.
What it is: A laser that penetrates the skin in order to target water to help promote collagen production.
What it does: Lifts and tightens skin.
What it costs: $250-400 per treatment.
How it works: A water-targeting laser, this aims to promote more collagen production, building a firmer, tighter complexion in areas that need it most, such as the neck, jowls, cheeks and brow.
Side effects: Like a fractional laser, RF targets water within the skin and heats it up to a boiling point. The side effects include tenderness and redness, though they should subside within a week.
Before the doctor: Unfortunately, sometimes loose skin and wrinkles are genetic, but looking out for plumping products will help give the appearance of firmer skin is a great place to start. Keep an eye out for products that contain caffeine as that will help “wake up” and rejuvenate tired, loose skin. When it comes to loose skin, some of these might be temporary fixes, so the next step could lead you to injectibles (such as Botox), which help fill out and plump the skin back up while keeping side effects to a minimum.