You made it through the holidays but all the indulging and celebrating is now catching up with you. The gifts have been given, the bottles have all been popped, and the party is now over. You’re tired, you’re bloated, and your New Years Resolution to lose x number of pounds by x date is looming over your poor achey head. Sounds like somebody needs to detox. Of course, start with the obvious: drink lots of water, cut out alcohol and caffeine, avoid processed foods and sugars, blah blah blah, et cetera et cetera. But if you really want to kickstart your resolution and get back on track quickly, you should consider doing a cleanse. Here are four popular cleanses to choose from that you might want to try. Note: As with any other changes to your health routine, it’s a good idea to do some research first and discuss your plan with your doctor or health care professional before committing.
[…] and sugar after the holiday season, but few of us actually follow through by committing to a cleanse. If you’re planning on going for it, we applaud you. This is no task for the unfocused. As […]